Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Sarcastic Wear

Within days of the Tasering of Andrew Meyer in Florida, T-shirts went on sale featuring his quotation “Don’t Tase me, bro.” And O.J. Simpson’s latest troubles led to one shirt that reads: “Ask me how I would kill O.J.” For Perspective, the Tribune’s Mark Jacob dug up some other real T-shirt dug up some other real T-shirt slogans ripped out of the headlines.

1. Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms should be a convenience store, not a government agency.
2. Bush has no idea how to get our of Iraq, but he knew how to get out of Vietnam.
3. I think we should attack Russia now – they’d never expect it.
4. I’d rather hunt with Dick Cheney than ride in Ted Kennedy’s car.
5. Don’t pray in my school and I won’t think in your church.
6. Rope. Tree. Journalist. Some assembly required.
7. Orwell was only off by 20 years.
8. I really wasn’t using my civil liberties anyway.
9. No immigrants = no burritos. Think about it, America.

Mark Jacob, Chicago Tribune, Sunday, September 23, 2007.

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